Why blog...?
Why do a blog? I have no idea other than it provides a place for ‘wordy folk’ like me to share a little more. For me, words have always come in bucket loads, just ask my family. I mean, why would anyone just say they are having a good or bad day without explaining, in detail, what that means? Yes, I am the one in elementary school that had their desk right next to a poor, frustrated teacher, promising to raise my hand and not talk out again! Fail!
I am also an artist and I guess to me my words are my crayons. So, like any kid with a box of crayons, sometimes they bring you a beautiful drawing with rainbows and unicorns and sometimes they bring you something more abstract, and you can’t tell what the hell it is, but you feel beholden to say how pretty it is, when that little toot looks disappointed at you because they had drawn a terrible thunderstorm which set the barn on fire...(no, that didn’t happen) My point is, I use words to express emotion, good, bad and inbetween. Maybe the inbetween words are when the connections are made with others and they can relate about what they are also feeling or pondering?
I spent all of my working life taking care of children. Now, that I am retired, I have time to reflect and ponder the lessons children teach us through their wonderment and trust. Somewhere along our life road we lose a lot of that, and as we age and the people we love and know begin to pass on, we realize that we have it all wrong, we live upside down!
I was born an old soul, and though my wrinkles reflect that, but now my soul is young, so I choose to walk among the fields of hope, even in despair, not because I have to, but because I want to...